June is Brain Injury Awareness Month in Canada, a time where we raise awareness about the impact of acquired brain injury and empower those who live with brain injury everyday, from survivors to their caregivers.
From the 4th century to modern day, there has been huge jumps forward in discoveries about the brain. Technology is transforming what we know about our brains, adding new discoveries, advancements, and breakthroughs on a daily basis.
We invite you to explore the infographic below, and discover some fascinating achievements in terms of exploring the human brain. If you’re on a desktop computer, and having issues viewing the infographic, you can click on it and it will open a new page that will allow you to zoom in. If you’re on mobile, you can zoom in as you normally would using the pinch and pull technique.
Feel free to publish this infographic to your own site, and help spread TBI awareness. And please don’t hesitate to contact us if you require the services of an experienced brain injury lawyer in Edmonton.