National Truth and Reconciliation Day 2024

September 23 2024

Please note that on Monday, September 30th, 2024, our office will be closed in observance of National Truth and Reconciliation Day.

At CAM LLP, we take this time to reflect and honour the generations of people living with the negative legacy of Canada’s residential schools. We extend our thoughts to their families and communities, acknowledging the ongoing impact of this painful history.

Orange Shirt Day 2024

September 30th is also known as Orange Shirt Day, a day initiated by Indigenous communities to highlight the enduring effects of the residential school system. Wearing orange on this day serves as a visual reminder that every child in this country matters.

We encourage our community to join local activities that commemorate this day. and other local initiatives support Indigenous health and well-being. If you’d like to participate in local initiatives, please visit Orange Shirt Day. The site offers videos and resources to help you understand the significance of Orange Shirt Day and the impact of the Residential School System in Canada.  For more information visit the Reconciliation Hub Resources section.

NTRD Events – Edmonton 2024:

You can also engage with National Truth and Reconciliation Day through various local events and resources.

  • TELUS World of Science: On September 30, visit the Science Centre for the lighting of the Quilliq, a Tipi raising, a vendors market, an Indigenous drumming performance, and special crafts and activities. General admission will be free for Indigenous Peoples on this day. Learn more at: TELUS World of Science – Edmonton.
  • National Day for Truth and Reconciliation at Heritage Park: Join the event from 11 AM to 2 PM. To learn more, visit: Heritage Park Event.
  • Fort Edmonton Park: The Indigenous Peoples Experience at Fort Edmonton Park is one of the best places in the city to learn about Indigenous Peoples and their way of life before and after Canada became a country. More information at: Fort Edmonton Park.
  • The National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation Program: The National Centre offers a free virtual educational program, “Truth and Reconciliation Week,” from September 23-27, 2024. This week of programming is an opportunity to learn about the history and ongoing legacy of residential schools and Indigenous peoples in Canada. For more information, visit: Truth and Reconciliation Week.

Why Commemorating This Day is Important?

This day promotes awareness of the painful legacy of residential schools and calls us to learn, understand, and support the voices of Indigenous communities. It is a time to acknowledge the past, promote healing, and work toward reconciliation. At CAM LLP, we are committed to raising awareness, honouring those affected by the residential school system, and promoting the message that every child matters.

#NDTR #EveryChildMatters