Help, my child has been injured at summer camp! What do I do?

August 11, 2017

Camp can be a wonderful experience for children opening their worlds to new skills and opportunities. Today summer camp takes many forms, including day camps focusing on one particular activity or skill, such as soccer or computer camps. The “old school” summer camp still thrives, however, frequently located on a lake or a river, or in the mountains or a forest, and offering a range of learning and recreational activities, including swimming, rowing, canoeing, horseback riding and archery.

While every parent wants their child to have a safe experience at summer camp, injuries can occur. These include:

  • Tragic drowning or near drowning accidents that may be due to inadequate supervision by camp counselors with little experience, who leave their posts, or are distracted by their cell phones or others;
  • Other incidents of wrongful death, caused by a fall or exposure to a fire hazard;
  • Sexual abuse of your child by camp counselors or other camp staff;
  • Physical injuries, caused by faulty, poorly maintained or hazardous camp lodgings and facilities;
  • Burn injuries, perhaps caused by improper supervision around campfires;
  • Injuries from bullying by other children, or otherwise being subjected to violence, including emotional trauma; and
  • Infectious diseases spreading throughout the camp population.
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Distracted Walking – A Modern Day Hazard

June 23, 2017

The distracted pedestrian is a common sight these days. You know the ones, walking with their eyes glued to their cell phones, frequently listening to music on headphones, or feverishly texting, oblivious to their surroundings. We have all had a laugh at videos of people falling into swimming pools and walking into poles while walking and texting. But more tragic are the increasing incidents of distracted pedestrians injured or killed in intersections, at railway crossings, and by light rapid transit. On May 16, 2017, for example, a 60-year-old woman was killed when she walked into the path of a C-Train at the Calgary Whitehorn station, spell-bound by her cell phone, and in February 2017 a 30-year-old man was killed at the same station, absorbed in his headphones and cell phone. Continue reading

Fatal Accidents: Compensation for the Loss of a Family Member

June 7, 2017

Fatal accidents are never a pleasant topic but with Mother’s Day just past and Father’s Day approaching, we as personal injury lawyers are reminded of our many clients who have lost a mother, father, spouse, or child through the negligence of another.

What happens when the victim of a fatal accident is a parent, child or spouse?

In addition to CPP death benefits and Section B death benefits (if the death is as a result of a motor vehicle accident), you may also be entitled to claim damages from the parties who were at fault for the accident. These damages consist of:

  1. Bereavement Damages

Bereavement damages are for the loss of the guidance, care and companionship of the deceased and are mandated by legislation. Continue reading

Should I sign the Waiver and take that exciting summer adventure?

May 31, 2017

There are certain firmly held myths in society when it comes to some legal concepts – I can easily get out of a rental lease, I won’t be bound by my non-compete clause, and I won’t be held to the waiver I signed to go white water rafting, skydiving, zip-lining, horseback riding, or [insert exciting summer adventure of your choice here]. Whether these myths come from TV, movies, or well-meaning friends or family members, the reality is that in many cases you cannot break the lease, you will be held to your non-compete clause and you may well be prevented from suing for damages if you are injured during an adventure activity by the waiver that you signed voluntarily. Continue reading

Should You Host that Graduation Party? What You Need to Know About Social Host Liability.

May 24, 2017

Congratulations! Your son or daughter is about to graduate from high school. To mark this special milestone your child has asked to have a graduation party in your home. While fun is fun, and you want to help your child celebrate, you should be aware of the pitfalls and that you are potentially exposing yourself to liability.

Know what you are getting into and set the ground rules before you agree to host a grad party

The first assumption you should make is that there will be alcohol consumed at the party. Even if you don’t serve alcohol, teenagers being teenagers, it is a safe bet that you can’t guarantee an alcohol-free event. Continue reading

Youth And Sports Concussions

July 6, 2016

According to the Alberta Centre for Injury Control and Research concussions more commonly affect kids and young male adults between the ages of 15 and 29. Until fairly recently, concussions went widely under-reported due to a lack of understanding of concussion risks and acceptance of impacts. The recognition of risks has prompted the development of new comprehensive concussion prevention, diagnostic and management information tailored for youth and young adults to build awareness of the risks associated with this injury. Parents should seek swift medical attention for children with visible signs of concussion as the likelihood to sustain a repeat concussion in recovery is heightened. Continue reading