Slip and Falls: Duty to Take Reasonable Care for Your Own Safety

January 20, 2022

In an earlier blog post, we looked at compensation for pedestrians hit by motor vehicles. This post looks at pedestrians injured in slip and falls. Specifically, we want to highlight that pedestrians have certain obligations to look out for their own safety, especially in harsh winter conditions.  If they do not, they may be found partly at fault (“contributory negligence”) or entirely at fault, in which case their action is dismissed.

Pedestrian Duties

The obligations of a pedestrian while walking in winter include:

  •  to wear appropriate footwear for the weather and environmental conditions;
  • to walk at a normal pace given the conditions, and not rush or run; and
  • to be aware of the conditions, especially if the walkway is covered in ice and snow.
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Pedestrian Injuries – Compensation for Injuries Suffered in Pedestrian-Motor Vehicle Collision

December 17, 2021

As winter settles in drivers contend with poor visibility and challenging driving conditions and pedestrian safety becomes a primary concern, especially for children and the elderly.

The heightened danger to child pedestrians results because they[i]:

  • are generally harder for drivers to see
  • may not understand how to cross the road safely
  • may have difficulty reacting to traffic (determining the direction of sound or judging distance or speed of oncoming vehicles)
  • cannot see out of the corners of their eyes as well as adults
  • may not realize that drivers are paying attention to other things, and not just them
  • may not understand that vehicles take longer to stop on wet or snowy roads

For older adults there may also be issues with hearing and sight as well as mobility challenges when crossing a roadway. Continue reading

Bill Hendsbee Q.C. to serve as President-Elect of the Law Society of Alberta for the 2022 term

December 7, 2021

The firm is proud to congratulate Bill Hendsbee, Q.C., on his election to the role of President-Elect of the Law Society of Alberta (LSA) for the 2022-23 term (starting February 2022). Bill will also be sitting on the LSA’s Executive Committee. After serving a one-year term as President-Elect, Bill will become the President of the LSA for the 2023-24 term.

It is no surprise to us that Bill was elected to fulfill this vital role. Bill has consistently been a thoughtful and active member of groups and associations that work to strengthen Alberta’s legal institutions throughout his career. In addition, since 2018, Bill has been one of the twenty lawyers elected annually as Benchers to govern the Law Society of Alberta (LSA). Continue reading

Alberta’s Family Protection Endorsement (SEF 44) Explained

December 2, 2021

This blog post reviews why you may want to consider purchasing Alberta’s Family Protection Endorsement (SEF 44) in addition to your standard auto insurance policy coverage. We also review some limitations concerning “who” is covered and what is covered.

What does the Family Protection Endorsement Offer?

For a modest premium increase, you can add Family Protection Endorsement (SEF 44) when you purchase your automobile insurance policy. This additional coverage allows you to claim up to your third-party liability limits, (commonly $1 million or $2 million) in the event you are injured in an accident and:

  • the at-fault driver is underinsured; that is, they have less liability coverage than your claim is worth
  • the at-fault driver is uninsured, or
  • you are injured by a hit and run driver, or the at-fault driver is otherwise unknown

What does the Family Protection Endorsement (SEF 44) cover?

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2022 Top Choice Awards – Voting Now Open

November 23, 2021

CAM LLP is proud to be an Official 2022 Top Choice Awards Nominee for the Top Choice Injury Law Firm of 2022 in Edmonton. This is the ninth year in a row we’ve been recognized with this honour. Thank you!

How to Vote

If you feel that we have earned your vote, please Click HERE. You will see our firm listed under the Top Choice Injury Law Firm of 2022 in Edmonton category. From that landing page, click ‘VOTE,’ and the platform will guide you through submitting your vote, which includes rating your experience with CAM LLP.

Voting is now open and runs until December 20, 2021 at 10:00pm MST. Continue reading

Injuries to School Bus Riders – What You Need to Know

November 12, 2021

It is every parent’s worst nightmare –  “School bus impaled by logs after collision north of Edmonton in Barrhead,” were the headlines in all the Alberta media outlets on November 2, 2021. Logs on a turning logging truck swung out and went though the side of the school bus. Unbelievably, and thankfully, no one was seriously injured but these types of random accidents can befall children riding as passengers in a school bus, with disastrous results.

A 2008 Final Report reviewing school bus collisions for Alberta Transportation recorded that every day in Alberta more than 5000 school buses were used to transport over 265,000 young Albertans to school. Continue reading