Avoiding Motorcycle Accidents: Answering the Call of the Road Safely

Baby Boomers grew up with Easy Rider, and for Millennials and others, the romance of the motorcycle endures. As we finally pull ourselves out of a seemingly never-ending winter, motorcyclists are eager to get out on the road and enjoy our beautiful province. Unfortunately, a personal injury lawyer sees all too frequently the harsh reality for many motorcyclists – a tragic accident, often resulting in catastrophic injuries or death.

Safety Tips for Motorcyclists

As a personal injury lawyer who was seen the downside of the call of the road, I offer the following tips for safer motorcycle riding:

  • Before each ride inspect your bike to make sure everything is in working order and inspect the tires to make sure they are properly inflated.
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Alberta Traumatic Brain Injury Online Resources

The lifetime impact of a traumatic brain injury (TBI) can be overwhelming, especially for someone who is just beginning their road to recovery. As a law firm, CAM LLP is committed to not only defending their clients who are suffering from TBI, but also to supporting the Alberta non-profits and centres who play a critical role in the rehabilitation and caregiving of TBI sufferers.

In our efforts to continue supporting these groups and our clients in any way we can, we have created a credible list of TBI online sites for those who may need help in recovery and encouragement that things will get better. Continue reading

How Much is My Personal Injury Claim Worth?

For many people injured in an accident, pursuing compensation for their injuries is a necessary part of their road to recovery. The first question we often get asked when meeting with an injured person is, “How much is my claim worth?” Unfortunately, the answer is often “It depends.” We know that can be frustrating to hear, but there are many factors that go into evaluating the value of a claim, and every case is different. Below are just some of the factors that may affect how much you might receive from a court in damages if you sue the person or persons responsible for your injuries. Continue reading

Auto Insurance Reform Online Survey (Deadline: March 6, 2020). No-fault Insurance Will Have Serious Consequences for Injured People. What You Need to Know.

You may have heard that the Alberta Government is looking to reform the province’s Auto Insurance system. An online survey has been set up to collect input from Albertans. No details have been provided on what the new system would look like, but there has been reference to moving to a no-fault system.

We encourage all Albertans to take part in the survey and let the Government know what you want (and what you don’t want). You can find the link to the survey at the bottom of this post.

Before you provide your input, it’s important to understand in practical terms what a shift to a no-fault system will mean if you, or a loved one, is seriously injured in a car accident.

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Halloween: the Scariest Night of the Year for Personal Injury Lawyers

Halloween, steeped in its Celtic origins, has been embraced as a fun holiday by most Canadians, including children, teenagers, and adults. For those who celebrate Halloween, this is a wonderful time of the year. For an experienced plaintiff’s personal injury lawyer, however, Halloween can be a very scary night.

Young children, decked out in colourful costumes idealizing what they would like to be, or dressed as their favourite pop culture character, will run from house to house to gather treats from strangers, frequently in unknown neighbourhoods and in darkness. Teenagers will gather for raucous Halloween parties with their friends, frequently indulging in alcohol or drugs. Continue reading

The Real Costs of Distracted Driving

Distracted driving, as a contributing cause of serious accidents, is not new but the causes of distraction have increased as our society adopts new and more pervasive technology.

The RCMP considers distracted driving a form of impaired driving, because “a driver’s judgement is compromised when they are not fully focused on the road.” In Alberta alone, there were 23,546 distracted driving convictions in 2018. In an effort to reduce distracted driving incidents, as of January 1, 2016, penalties for distracted driving in Alberta began to include three demerit points in addition to a $287 fine.

Research released by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety indicates that drivers using mobile devices, whether hands-free or hand-held, are more than four times as likely to be involved in a crash. Continue reading