How to File a Personal Injury Claim

If you have been injured in a motor-vehicle accident, or hurt through the use of a product or another’s negligence, you have the right to seek compensation for your injuries. An insurance company may offer you a settlement, but a personal injury lawyer will seek full compensation for the true extent of your injuries, including out-of-pocket expenses and future hardships. Each situation is different and talking with an experienced lawyer at Cummings Andrews Mackay LLP will help you determine what you may be able to claim.

The steps below are important to note if you’ve recently been in an accident as they must be put into action immediately following an injury:

  1. Contact the authorities and provide the required information to complete an accident report;
  2. Inform your insurance company of the accident;
  3. Seek medical assistance immediately following an accident;
  4. Contact a personal injury lawyer to maximize compensation.
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How Prepared for an Accident Are You?

An accident can happen at any time, often with little to no warning. Emergency rescuers will respond as soon as they can, but it may take time before they’re able to get to you. Until a rescue team arrives, it’s up to you to handle the situation appropriately. Being prepared can reduce fear, anxiety, and losses that accompany accidents.

Being prepared for an unforeseen accident may seem like a big job. Many people don’t know where to start, so they never start at all. How prepared do you feel you are for an accident? Take this quiz to see how prepared you are and what areas you can work on. Continue reading

Winter Driving in Northern Alberta

As the holidays approach, we wish everyone a safe winter season.  Driving in Northern Alberta can be dangerous in the winter.  Each year it seems like drivers have forgotten how to drive in the ice and snow, so drive defensively and do not trust that other drivers will do the right thing.

What can you do to stay safe? Here are our top 5 list:

1) Slow Down  –  Speed is the biggest contributor to winter accidents.  Stopping distances are much greater in the winter.

2) Use Winter Tires – Winter Tires can make a big difference.  They don’t make up for too much speed, but coupled with safe speeds they may stop accidents from happening. Continue reading

The Importance of Motor Vehicle Insurance – it is important!

Many people get excited buying a new vehicle. The smell, the sparkly paint – you can`t beat the feeling of having a new vehicle. Very few people, however, get excited about insurance for their new vehicle. It is a pain to arrange and the cost … well it can be expensive.

In Alberta, the minimum amount of liability insurance that you must carry is $200,000. That has been the minimum coverage for over 20 years. Anybody who only carries $200,000 insurance is making a mistake. Anybody who is willing to sell you only $200,000 of liability coverage is also making a mistake. Continue reading