Helping a Loved One with a Brain Injury or Injury that Prevents Them From Being Able to Instruct a Lawyer

What Is a Litigation Representative?

When a person has suffered an injury that warrants bringing a legal claim for compensation, the usual course is for that person to retain a lawyer to work with them through the litigation or settlement process. However, in some cases, a person’s injuries may be so severe that their ability to make decisions or manage their affairs is compromised. This is sometimes referred to as “lacking capacity” and this situation may be temporary or permanent depending on the injury.

A lawyer is not permitted to take instructions about the conduct of a legal proceeding from someone who lacks capacity. Continue reading

Personal Injury Claims Help: What to Expect from CAM LLP, Injury Lawyers

Many people have no idea how the personal injury claims process works in Alberta and may be nervous about contacting a lawyer. This is perfectly normal but there is nothing to worry about. CAM LLP lawyers focus only on personal injury law and after representing thousands of clients we have the experience to quickly understand the legal issues in your claim. Our team has handled a wide range of injury claims from soft tissue injuries to life altering injuries like traumatic brain injuries and spinal cord injuries. We know what you are up against and we can help you with the challenges you will face. Continue reading

Independent Medical Examinations (IMEs): What you need to know

If you are injured in an accident and have started a lawsuit against the person you believe is responsible, your ultimate goal is to obtain monetary compensation for your injuries and losses. A key consideration in determining the appropriate amount of compensation you are entitled to is the extent of your injuries and how they affect your life. Often, these elements will be contested by the at-fault party, who may believe your injuries are less serious than you claim.

It is important for both sides to have a clear understanding of what your injuries are, what your prospect for improvement is, and what type of treatment you will need in the future. Continue reading

How You Can Support Someone with a Spinal Cord Injury

A spinal cord injury is a traumatic and devastating injury. Spinal cord injuries can cause an array of issues for the injured person. Changes in strength and sensation can sometimes result in permanent paralyzation that affects mobility and the ability to engage in daily activities. The debilitating effects of this type of injury can also lead to mental wellness challenges like depression and coping with anxiety about the future. In short, this is a life-changing injury that requires significant re-learning and adapting to a new reality for both the injured person and their loved ones. It can feel overwhelming.

If someone you love is suffering from a spinal cord injury, your role in their recovery will be crucial, but you may feel helpless with no idea how to help. Continue reading

Why You Need At Least $2 Million of Third-Party Liability Coverage In Your Automobile Insurance Policy

What is the main purpose of third-party liability?

Third party liability coverage in an automobile insurance policy will cover you if you are at-fault in a motor vehicle accident. In addition to giving you peace of mind, the main purpose of third-party liability coverage is to protect your assets in the event damages are assessed against you.

Standard practice for insurance companies and insurance brokers in Alberta is to recommend $1 million in third-party liability coverage in an automobile insurance policy. As a personal injury law firm, we urge you not to default to this standard practice, but rather purchase $2 million or more in third-party liability insurance. Continue reading

How Much is My Personal Injury Claim Worth?

For many people injured in an accident, pursuing compensation for their injuries is a necessary part of their road to recovery. The first question we often get asked when meeting with an injured person is, “How much is my claim worth?” Unfortunately, the answer is often “It depends.” We know that can be frustrating to hear, but there are many factors that go into evaluating the value of a claim, and every case is different. Below are just some of the factors that may affect how much you might receive from a court in damages if you sue the person or persons responsible for your injuries. Continue reading